Domain basics

Domain basics

Here you will find the most common questions and answers we recieve in regards to domain registration

Change of name on a test domain

Whilst we usually do not change domain names for a account (you will need at buy an additional license for this), we do however make an exception for a trial domain. Contact info@flowpaper and we will help you out.

Domain error

If you made an error typing your domain name while registering, please send us an email at [email protected] and we will help you out.

Added domains

If you have a Zine license and wish to add additional domains to your account, go to your FlowPaper account page and buy an additional license.

Publish to multiple domains at the same time

You can publish to multiple domains at the same time using semi colon between each domain name, like so:;; You can also add them in your account area.

Sub domains

Sub domains are included in your domain registration.

Domain name change

If you have changed the domain name on your account and wish to update this with FlowPaper, you will need to purchase an additional domain name key. You can do this from the commercial download area.

Acceptable domain names

We don't have any particular restrictions but we have a few checks to make sure the domain name does not contain any name similar to our domain name. Contact us via email and we can help you sort it out if it got stuck in one of our checks. (send to [email protected])

How to select domain when publishing

When you select the publish, you need to select the custom domain option. If you have purchased multiple licenses, they should appear as a drop down list for you to choose from. If this is not happening, it might be that you have used different email addresses when purchasing your licenses. If this happens, contact us on [email protected].