
  PDFFile (String)The PDF file FlowPaper should open.
  ZoomTransition (String)The zoom transition that should be used when zooming in FlowPaper. It uses the same Transition modes as the Tweener. The default value is easeOut. Some examples: easenone, easeout, linear, easeoutquad
  ZoomTime (Number)The time it should take for the zoom to reach the new zoom factor. Should be 0 or greater.
  ZoomInterval (Number)The interval which the zoom slider should be using. Basically how big the "step" should be between each zoom factor. The default value is 0.1. Should be a positive number.
  FitPageOnLoad (Bool)Fits the page on initial load. Same effect as using the fit-page button in the toolbar.
  FitWidthOnLoad (Bool)Fits the width on initial load. Same effect as using the fit-width button in the toolbar.
  localeChain (String)Sets the locale (language) to use. The following languages are currently supported:
en_US (English)
fr_FR (French)
zh_CN (Chinese, Simple)
es_ES (Spanish)
pt_BR (Brazilian Portugese)
ru_RU (Russian)
fi_FN (Finnish)
de_DE (German)
nl_NL (Netherlands)
tr_TR (Turkish)
se_SE (Swedish)
pt_PT (Portugese)
el_EL (Greek)
dn_DN (Danish)
cz_CS (Czech)
it_IT (Italian)
pl_PL (Polish)
pv_FN (Finnish)
hu_HU (Hungarian)

  FullScreenAsMaxWindow (Bool)With this set to true, clicking on fullscreen will open a new browser window with FlowPaper maximized instead of using true.
  ProgressiveLoading (Bool)Will load and display the document progressively when set to true as opposed to downloading the complete document before displaying the pages.
  MaxZoomSize (Number)Sets the maximum allowed zoom level
  MinZoomSize (Number)Sets the minimum allowed zoom level
  SearchMatchAll (Bool)When set to true, the viewer highlights all matches when performing searches in a document.
  InitViewMode (String)Sets the start-up view mode. For example "Portrait" or "TwoPage".
  PrintPaperAsBitmap (Bool)When set to true, the viewer will print the document as a bitmap as opposed to vectorized
  StartAtPage (Number)Instructs the viewer to start at a specific page
  ViewModeToolsVisible (Bool)Shows or hides view modes from the tool bar
  ZoomToolsVisible (Bool)Shows or hides zoom tools from the tool bar
  NavToolsVisible (Bool)Shows or hides nav tools from the tool bar
  CursorToolsVisible (Bool)Shows or hides cursor tools from the tool bar
  SearchToolsVisible (Bool)Shows or hides search tools from the tool bar
  jsDirectory (String)Sets the javascript directory to supplied location. This only applies to FlowPaper with AdaptiveUI enabled.
  cssDirectory (String)Sets the css directory to supplied location. This only applies to FlowPaper with AdaptiveUI enabled.
  localeDirectory (String)Sets the locale directory to supplied location. This only applies to FlowPaper with AdaptiveUI enabled.

	{ config : {
	  PDFFile : "Paper.pdf",
	  Scale : 0.6,
	  ZoomTransition : "easeOut",
	  ZoomTime : 0.5,
	  ZoomInterval : 0.1,
	  FitPageOnLoad : false,
	  FitWidthOnLoad : false,
	  FullScreenAsMaxWindow : true,
	  ProgressiveLoading : true,
	  MinZoomSize : 0.2,
	  MaxZoomSize : 5,
	  SearchMatchAll : false,
	  InitViewMode : 'Flipbook',

	  ViewModeToolsVisible : true,
	  ZoomToolsVisible : true,
	  NavToolsVisible : true,
	  CursorToolsVisible : true,
	  SearchToolsVisible : true,

	  localeChain : "en_US"